(Last updated: Thu, 26th Sep 2024 11:57ACST)
Meetings are held at the WEA “Cottage B” 223 Angas St Adelaide on the second Friday of each month starting at 7:30pm.
Where to find us.
Contact SAMG via the website.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 8th of December 2023
- Apologies, 2023 BBQ at WEA carpark Friday 15th December 7pm cost + bring plate – John and Peter
- Topics for future meetings – How can we best use the extra Friday evening per month?
- 2024 Membership fees and contributions
- Chinese PLC programmable controller relay module – Cliff
- Lissajous on X-Y and on very old oscilloscope using atmega328p – Peter
- Anything else if time permits
See https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002950539682.html
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lissajous_curve
SAMG Secretary/Treasurer
Please don’t forget your membership fees for 2024 to keep our little group going.
Deposit your $10 into our SAMG cheque account, placing your name and 2024 SAMG fees to identify your payment.
Account number 065-000 0090 7721
Complete both parts of the attached WEA Clubs Membership form which will be passed onto the WEA clubs Secretary.
Virtual attendance http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 8th of September 2023
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
- Jabra 510 conference speakerphone
- Project proposal – Back to basics – a self-balancing robot
- Digital Oscilloscopes and Logic Analysers
Logic analysers and digital oscilloscopes are used when the problem is somewhat elusive. They vary so much in price and functionality. They all handle differently and can be a little daunting.
If you have one of these devices, please bring it to our meeting with any projects or devices that we can attach and checkout.
(i.e. A component tester, dimmer or motor controller for example)
*************Proposed project for our group***************
Virtual attendance http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 11th of August 2023
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
- Electric vehicle battery chemistry – John O’Sullivan
- Software defined radio – Peter + David
- Anything Ad-Hoc
Virtual attendance http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 14th of July 2023
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
- Oscilloscopes – Part 1 – Phil
- USB – Speed and Protocol – Peter + Everyone
- Anything Ad-Hoc
There have been many enhancements to the oscilloscope over recent times with some having Ethernet, Wi-Fi and protocol analysis.
If you have a “portable” oscilloscope, please bring it along to this month’s meeting and we can see if we can recall how to use it. :-} Also bring along any portable signal generators that you may have which will always be more interesting than the inbuilt 1kHz calibrate reference.
Phil will step us through calibration and the fundamentals of how they work.
Virtual attendance http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 9th of June 2023
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
- David – introduction to RTOS with support of a short video
- James’s vision of a soil probe project – scope and objectives
- Experimentation and progress with EC25-AU – time permitting
- Free EC25-AU module(s) for those who missed out last month
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 12th of May 2023
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
we need a presentation for June’s meeting. - James has a presentation on Sensors.
Please bring USB for a copy of James’s “Sensors Book.PDF” Presentation. - We are Flashing James’s RK3318 TV-Box with a Bullseye image.
- Free EC25-AU module(s) for those who missed out last month.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 14th of April 2023 at 7:30pm
- Apologies, announcements – John and Peter
- Topic suggestions for future meetings – Everyone
Next month James has a presentation on Sensors - This month Adam Webb on ESP32 and WS2812 addressable LED project
Adam has provided some details of what he will cover time permitting below.
Presentation covering a recent client project using ESP32 I did to control a total of 464 addressable WS2812 LEDs,
with user settable colour sequences per 14 LEDs via WiFi served web pages.
- 2 x ESP32 Dev Kit C boards: one to control WS2812s, one for WiFi. (Reason will become clear in the talk…)
- 6,000 lines of code over 23 units (excluding libraries).
- Developed in Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO plugin (both free).
- Configuration via web pages served via Wi-Fi from ESP32 SPIFFS file system.
- Fast LED library used to control addressable LEDs (which is trivial).
- HSV colour format used to ease (yeah, right!) RGB LED colour blending\fading.
- ESP32s exchange configuration and other info via UART RS422.
Presentation has no set format and will follow attendee’s questions and areas of interest.
Mini demo will be provided, using bread boarded ESP32’s and shortened LED strips.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 10th of March 2023 at 7:30pm
1. Open meeting, apologies and announcements – John Peter
2. Topic suggestions for next meetings – Anyone and Everyone
3. New BOB Board introduction and hand out attached – Peter
4. Raspberry Pi Pico Board applications/uses – Peter, Anyone
5. Assistance flashing TV-Boxes with latest image if needed
As David Zerk and Phil are interstate at a Linux conference we can use my laptop with Jitsi for this month’s meeting.
So for Virtual attendance
http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
The following are notes and tips for those who participated in the Cheapy RK3318 TV-Box to Linux conversion project.
The current Bullseye build appears stable and should be sufficiently endowed for most of our IOT projects.
Several additional features/apps were requested and have been included. These are Wordpress, Libre Office, GIMP, Thonny and Minicom.
The flash image size is limited by Multitool’s use of fat32 which has a maximum file size limit of 4 Gig.
Current image is rk3318_Bullseye_7-3-2023_docker.gz at 3.98 GB (4,278,726,656 bytes)
Cliff reported that audio redirection is not supported with xRDP, however the audio worked when plugged directly into the boxes’ analogue port.
The xRDP team have published a “fix” for this, but my attempts to install the pulse_audio redirection patches have been unsuccessful as there is an error “locating Pulse_Audio source code”? This may be just an environment variable or pathing issue.
I have copied the pulse_audio redirection patches into the /data folder should you wish to try resolving the xRDP shell script issue.
For those of us who are into Pink Floyd, I have included two mp4 live concerts in the /data folder for test purposes.
The beauty of the Multitool approach is that there is no fear. Should you break it, just reflash and restore your last known good backup that you previously saved on the MultiTool MicroSD. :}>
Other than a Monitor a Keyboard and a Mouse, you may also use the Microsoft Remote access client (RDP) to access the TV-Box when it is attached to your local Ethernet or Wi-Fi network. Firefox is the only browser installed at this time.
Mapping to the /data folder is also supported. Just map a drive to the samba share “data” ie \\rk3318-box\data
Also the following ports for the installed services on the little box are accessible by using an internet browser as follows;
There are 3 login users configured, root, admin and samg each with the same password of samg1234
The passwords for the application accounts and logins are samg12345678
https://rk3318-box:9443 Portainer 9443:9443
http://rk3318-box:8086 influxdb 8086:8086
http://rk3318-box:3306 mariadb 3306:3306
http://rk3318-box:1880 nodered 1880:1880
http://rk3318-box:8080 phpmyadmin 8080:80
http://rk3318-box:8123 homeassistant 8123:8123
http://rk3318-box:80 wordpress 80:80 to edit site, login as samg and use http://rk3318-box/wp-admin note WP_content is in the /data folder
http://rx3318-box:1883 mosquitto 1883:1883 needs some more work
See http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/mqtt-username-password-example/
The example below of remote SSL on port 22 using Putty to access the rk3318-box.local
login as: root
root@rk3318-box’s password:
Welcome to Armbian 23.02.2 Bullseye with bleeding edge Linux 6.1.11-rockchip64
No end-user support: untested automated build
System load: 2% Up time: 11 min
Memory usage: 19% of 3.88G IP:
CPU temp: 56°C Usage of /: 34% of 28G
Tip of the day: Check what’s new in Armbian 23.02 Quoll https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/
[ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ]
Hi All. The Club BBQ is Saturday 17th. Details such as starting time and address can be obtained from any of the committee members.
Agenda for SAMG General Meeting Friday 14th of October 2022 at 7:30pm
- apologies and announcements – John/Peter
- SAMG future directions – John/Peter
- topic suggestions for next meetings – Everyone
- Christmas get together – Peter
- the Fundamentals of C – David and Others
https://kremlin.cc/k&r.pdf :Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-classes-and-objects/ C++
Virtual attendance
http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
SAMG General Meeting Friday 9th of September 2022 at 7:30pm
- apologies and announcements – John/Peter
- topic suggestions for next meetings – Anyone
- SAMG Flyer Distribution Progress – the outcome – John
- the Microcontroller “drought” – Peter
– What is still purchasable and at what cost?
– 2017 Raspberry Pi Zero W resurrected - continuation of exploring Smart Home Applications and hardware
– please bring any contributions that you may have
SAMG General Meeting Friday 12th of August 2022 at 7:30pm
1. Apologies and announcements – John/Peter
2. Topic suggestions for next meetings – Anyone
3. SAMG flyer distribution Progress – John
4. Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors – John
5. RFID – Peter
6. Arduino projects by members – Everyone
Virtual attendance will be ended after agenda item 5.
http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Next meeting: Friday 8th of July 2022 at 7:30pm
As Friday evening is a tutorial, please remember Laptop/Notebook,
ps2-kb/mouse, VGA-TTGO modules/battery with 5volt supply.
1. Apologies and announcements – John/Peter
2. Topic suggestions for next meetings – Anyone
3. SAMG flyer distribution Progress – John
4. ESP32 VGA-TTGO project group tutorial – Everyone
5. Cliff website progress
6. Ad hock contributions
Light reading Fabrizio has written heaps of code and he also supports this little board
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ68fRff5_k Youtube bitluni VGA Library principles worth watching.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEM04lS2R-Y very luni
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday10th of June 2022 at 7:30pm
- Apologies and announcements – John Peter
- Topic suggestions for next meetings – Everyone
- SAMG Flyer Distribution Progress – John
- Website update progress – Please bring photos for website – Cliff
- Ki-cad – pre-install on your computer https://www.kicad.org – David
- Ad hock contributions if time permits
For those who are unable to attend
– Virtual attendance via http://meet.jit.si – When the prompt comes up, sign-in as SAMG2020
*Remember to enable/allow the use of your camera and microphone.
Next meeting: Friday 13th of May 2022 at 7:30pm
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday13th of May 2022 at 7:30pm
- Apologies and announcements – John Peter
- Topic suggestions for next meetings – Everyone
- SAMG Flyer Distribution Progress – John
- Cliff’s Fuel Injector Tester Demo/Presentation using a microprocessor and some serious metal work – Cliff
- Is the problem with the OBS-JITSI-pc finally uncovered? – Peter David – See below*
- Ad hock contributions if time permits
*It did not make any sense that the laptop with DisplayPort/HDMI converter worked when plugged directly into an overhead projector or HDMI display but was inconsistent with the USB Converter/OBS-JITSI-PC interface. There is a lot of complexity in our evolving conferencing setup.
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday 8th of April 2022 at 7:30pm
- Apologies and announcements – John Peter
2. Topic suggestions for next meetings – John
3. SAMG Flyer Progress – John Peter
4. WebSite – Cliff
5. Flashing methods using DD, Etcher and other methods – Luke David Peter
6. Ad hock contributions if time permits
Chairman Picks below for future projects and topics. These are just a small number of possible projects we could consider.
a. Smart Wi-Fi Relay unit using an ESP8266.
b. Temperature and Humidity Measuring
c. Simple variable Timer using A Tiny 85
d. Ultrasonic Sensor that can accurately measure distance and also good for Car parking in a tight space and can provide a warning on how close you are getting to a wall etc.
e. Digital Audio Player using a WeMos ESP8266 a Micro SD module and a PCM5102 12s
f. Control equipment with Hand gestures.
See you there.
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday 11th of March 2022 at 7:30pm
1. Open meeting with apologies and announcements – John / Peter
2. Topic suggestions for next meetings – Everyone
3. SAMG Flyer Progress – John
4. WebSite – Cliff
5. So why do we need Single Board Computers (SBC’s) with the ‘Internet of Things – Peter to review of Armbian image
6. How to flash SDs for SBCs – David / Peter / Luke
7. Ad hock contributions
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday 11th of February 2022 at 7:30pm
- Open AGM apologies and announcements
- Schedule of meetings and your topic suggestions for 2022
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM
- Business arising from previous minutes
- Correspondence
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of officers for 2022
- Chairman, Website editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer, WEA Clubs representative and 4 Committee members
- Close AGM
- General Business
- Phil Kocent to present an overview of MiSTer – FPGA Hardware Emulation using DE10-Nano Kit see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IP0k3GatHE
- Member technical questions
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 14th of January 2022 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Apologies/Announcements/News
- Darren Bestt – introduction to PLCs, Industrial Automation and his new CNC Router
- Ad hoc show and tell and problem solving
- Ziggy has questions on how to implement Arduino on various projects including Gas flow detection, igniters and Wi-Fi control
- Phil Kocent Check out MiSTer – FPGA Hardware Emulation using DE10-Nano Ki – see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IP0k3GatHE – amazing
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 10th of December 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News – discuss this year’s Xmas BBQ
- Group workshop on current project progress
- Ad hoc show and tell and problem solving
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 12th of November 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- John O’Sullivan – Electric Vehicles Part 2.
- Jitsi will be shut down after John’s update.
- More Playtime this month
- Tips for installation of VSCde/ESP-IDF on Raspberry Pi4 – David has it working!
- Gordon has Audio amp working with loud speaker on TTGO VGA board by adding a series capacitor.
- Review of projects from examples http://www.fabglib.org/
- For more ideas see https://github.com/bitluni/ESP32Lib and https://www.youtube.com/user/fdivitto/videos
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 8th of October 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Cliff to provide an update on his recent project of an ESP32 Web Server/App controlling a water pump.
- Jitsi will be shut down after Cliff’s update.
- Some more Playtime this month
- problem solving installations of VSCode/ESP-IDF on your laptops for those who have not yet got it working
- progress using Audio, Video and PS2 interfaces with TTGO VGA32 boards
- experience to date with VSCode on PCs and Raspberry Pi 4
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 10th of September 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Cliff will reflect on his recent experience installing ESP-IDF and replacing Platform-IO.
- John’s Overview of Electric Vehicles (Part 1).
- Playtime
- installation of ESP-IDF on SAMG PC and your laptops.
- using Audio, Video and PS2 interfaces with TTGO VGA32 boards.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 13th of August 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Cliff will reflect on his recent experience installing ESP-IDF and replacing Platform-IO.
- Wayne’s long awaited addressable LEDs and OTA software updates using Arduino for the ESPs.
- and time permitting, Playtime with David and Peter
- installation of ESP-IDF on SAMG PC with hopefully some tips from Cliff.
- using Audio, Video and PS2 interfaces with TTGO VGA32 boards.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 9th of July 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Distribute TTGO VGA boards
- Tutorial/Forum – TTGO VGA32 ESP32 PS2 board
- Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 11th of June 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Adam – a review of the Analog Devices ADAU1701 DSP chip which has features;
- including Volume control-via pot/push button/rotary encoder/I2C
- low/high/band-pass filters including equaliser
- effects including echo/reverb/loudness
- Phil has purchased several ESP32 Dev Boards which can be used for hands-on flashing and experimentation at this meeting.
- David has suggested that we review a video on FreeRTOS on the ESP32 and possibly flash a version on these boards. see – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F321087yYy4&list=PLEBQazB0HUyQ4hAPU1cJED6t3DU0h34bz
- Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 14th of May 2021 at 7:30pm
The BOM forecast for this Friday night says that it’s likely to be cold and windy with a slight chance of rain. Better rug up and bring your warm hat and scarf and maybe your mac – the waterproof kind!
- Welcome/Open/Announcements/News
- Cliff will give a short update on his LED driving project, hopefully with a look at his foray into current measurement.
- David Z will give a brief update on the latest incarnation of our Jitsi kit.
- Peter will span around four decades of technology by showing us how to run CP/M on an ESP32.
- Ad-hoc presentations – Phil and Col might be waiting ready in the wings to also pique our nostalgic recollections.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 9th of April 2021 at 7:30pm
The BOM forecast for this Friday night is for much cooler temperatures than we’ve had for a while now – bring your coat/hat/scarf in case it gets a little chilly!
- Welcome/Open/Announcements
- “Wholesale electricity pricing and its part in my downfall” – Wayne will give an update on how his “smart meter”-enabled wholesale electricity pricing adventure is progressing – and how unavoidable events can make it can go alarmingly wrong!
- Ad-hoc presentations/discussions – care to tell the group about what you’ve been working on lately or show us your favourite project? Your fellow members are eager to hear from you!
- If time permits Wayne will give an introduction to using the Maxim 7219 LED controller and the WS2812B programmable LED with the Arduino IDE (using Conway’s game of Life as an example) and will show some examples of the readily available displays based on those chips.
Agenda for SAMG Meeting Friday 12th of March 2021 at 7:30pm
- Website updates – Wayne will give a quick rundown of the changes to the SAMG website that are planned and almost ready. Then we’ll discuss how to improve electronic communication within the group and whether there is enough interest in having an online discussion forum (“bulletin board”), mailing list and/or development “portal”.
- Flyer – Wayne will show the latest incarnation of the flyer and we’ll have a quick discussion about how to get them printed and distributed.
- Adam will give an introduction to using DesignSpark available from RS Components and show us some examples of what he’s used it for. See the meeting email for details if you want to “play along with Adam” and have the chance to ask questions.
- Ad-hoc presentations – care to tell the group about what you’ve been working on lately or show us your favourite project? We’re eager to hear from you!
- If time permits Wayne will give an introduction to using the Maxim 7219 LED controller and the WS2812B programmable LED with the Arduino IDE (using Conway’s game of Life as an example) (carried over from last month). (If there’s enough interest there can be a follow-up presentation at a later meeting showing the evolution of the code used in the demo)
If you wish to nominate yourself or another SAMG member, please advise the SAMG Secretary prior to the AGM on Friday the 12th of February.
Voting at the AGM will be accepted in person or through the SAMG Secretary in writing or by virtual attendance at this meeting.
Agenda for SAMG Annual General Meeting Friday 12th of February 2021 at 7:30pm
- Open Annual General Meeting
- Apologies
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM
- Business Arising from previous minutes
- Correspondence
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of officers for 2021:
- Chairman, Website editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer, WEA Clubs representative, 4 x Committee members
- Election of 3 members for a “Special sub-committee for review of the SAMG Constitution”
- Close AGM
- General Business
- Chris will show us his PCB routing machine
- Wayne will give an introduction to using the Maxim 7219 LED controller and the WS2812B programmable LED with the Arduino IDE (using Conway’s game of Life as an example)
- Ad-hoc presentations if time permits
- Close
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 8th of January 2021 at 7:30pm
- Welcome to SAMG 2021!
- Group discussion – what do you want to see in 2021?
- John will tell us about his Tesla Powerwall
- Quick look at the Airconet A/C remote control device (ESP8266-based)
- Peter will give an introductory look at his newly acquired AI modules
- Ad-hoc member presentations
- Peter will give an update on his milling machine progress if time allows
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 13th of December 2020 at 7:30pm
- Eat, drink, talk, relax!
- Farewell 2020!
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 13th of November 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open
- Announcements
- Membership fees due
- Membership drive / flyers
- 2021 meeting schedule
- Discuss holding a EOYBBQ
- Wayne – Smart Meters, obtaining Interval Data, Live household energy monitoring system
- Peter – Introduction to Bluetooth
- Wayne – Quick look at a commercial ESP8266 Air Conditioner Infra-Red remote control device
- Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 9th of October 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open
- Announcements
- Wayne – Update on transition to Amber Electric w/smart meter
- Cliff – Experiences with web programming
- David – OBS/Jitsi update
- Peter – Progress update on the electric scooter
- Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 11th of September 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open
- Announcements
- Cliff’s ESP-32 Traction Platform Design
- OBS/jitsi update (Computer Acquisitions) – David and team
- Discussion on charging Li-ion Batteries
- Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 14th of August 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open
- News
- Announcements
- James’ ESP-32 “Toy” progress
- Peter’s e-Scooter show-and-tell
- OBS/jitsi update (spoiler:- we have our new mixer) – David
- Peter’s detailed look at the 8266 and ESP32 chips
- ESP32 workshop/Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 10th of July 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome/Open
- News
- Quick Look – We can charge it for you Wholesale (retail electricity) Pt.1
- OBS progress update
- Announcements
- C64 Power Supply Protector
- Writing to the e-Paper display
- ESP32 workshop/Ad-hoc presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 12th of June 2020 at 7:30pm
- Announcements
- News
- Quick Look – Side Channel Attacks
- OBS progress update
- Members’ ESP32 projects presentations
- ESP32 workshop
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 13th of March 2020 at 7:30pm
- Apologies
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous 2019 AGM
- Business Arising
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of officers for 2020
- Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, WEA representative, 4 x Committee members, Website editor
- Appointment of a public officer
- Suggestions for future projects or presentations
- David Zerk – OBS updated
- John O’Sullivan – speakers
- Programming ESP devices – Wayne Sierke
- ESP8266basic – Attaching a touch TFT display – Peter Gheude
Meeting proceedings for Friday 14th of February 2020
Wayne Sierke presented several versions of flyers he had been working on. He explained that this was a work in progress and invited contributions.
David Zerk passed around our new microphones and wireless mike which comply with Australian Frequency Standards. David brought in a mixing console and demonstrated how it could be used. After some discussion it was determined that a smaller unit should be acquired for club use. John O’Sullivan offered to see if some of his loud speaker and amplifier kits cold be resurrected for use at meetings. David moved that several associated items be investigated and this was seconded by Rick Matthews.
Peter Gheude gave a brief demonstration of an ESP-12F Wi-Fi module with ESP8266basic installed. Several members were interested and promised more on how to interface a TFT touch display at next meeting. James was interested in how to program the ESP series using a Mac which could be done at the next meeting.
There were insufficient members present for the 2020 AGM as the number of members present for a quorum was short by 2 members. The Group’s Constitution requires at least 10 members so the AGM was deferred until next meeting.
Cliff asked if anyone would nominate a member for any of the executive and office positions as he would not stand for the Chairman or other role.
Peter Gheude agreed to remain as Secretary/Treasurer.
Wayne Sierke indicated that he would stand if nominated as Chairman.
Chris Burrows in his letter of apology for being absent from this and the following meeting offered to stand for the WEA representative.
Rick Matthews also wished to stand for this position.
Wayne offered to continue as the Website editor.
Committee – Colin, Chris, John and David.
The minutes for this meeting are available here.
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 14th of February 2020 at 7:30pm
- Wayne with SAMG Flyer presentation version
- David with OBS and wireless microphone update
- Treasurer’s report
- Chairman’s report
- Election of officers for 2020
- Secretary/treasurer
- WEA representative
- Chairman
- 4 x Committee
- Website editor
- Suggestions for future projects or presentations
- General Business
- Ad hock presentations
Agenda for SAMG meeting Friday 10th of January 2020 at 7:30pm
- Welcome 2020.
- General discussion of progress with Wireless Microphone project.
- SAMG Website hosting and Domain. Wayne’s offer.
- Future SAMG membership and Projects.
- SAMG Committee. All positions are up nomination.
- SAMG membership drive. Flyers etc.
- WEA Clubs Inc. Rick M. report on last meeting.
- Suggestions for new club motto.
- Other business.
- Club fees for those who have not paid.
To view previous monthly meetings click here